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We are a child-friendly church. We love to see families with little ones in the service. However we also provide a nursery and preschool class during the service as well as a room with a speaker and a window where parents can still participate in the service while tending to little ones.

You can expect the sermon to be a faithful, Christ-centered, understandable explanation of the Bible text we are studying. Expect to be encouraged and challenged! ​

We celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of each month. It is open to all believers in Christ who are members in good standing of a Bible teaching congregation. ​We hope you will join us this Sunday! 

Grace is a friendly, welcoming congregation. You can expect to be greeted by folks at the door, and by others in the congregation who will be genuinely glad you came. ​Most people dress on the casual side, but please wear whatever modest attire you are comfortable wearing. And if you have only one option, come as you are! ​

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You can expect a service of worship that is biblical, historical, reverent and joyful.  We use multiple instruments and vocalists and sing both traditional and modern hymns that are faithful to God's Word. ​

You can expect the sermon to be a faithful, Christ-centered, understandable explanation of the Bible text we are studying. Expect to be encouraged and challenged! ​

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